ANSI/SPRI/FM 4435/ES-1 Calculator Results
The ANSI/SPRI/FM4435/ES-1 standard is found in section 1504.5 of the International Building Code and established testing procedures to measure the securement pressures of a fascia or coping system for low slope roofing. Due to the variations in materials, fabrication methods, and quality control, it cannot be expected or assumed that an edge system made to the same design by two different fabricators will perform the same. SPRI’s opinion is that each fabricator must produce the product tested per ES-1 to determine the load resistance of that product.
The calculations listed above are programed based on the ASCE-7-10 (2010) standards.
This calculator serves as an information source only. Metal-Era recommends that you verify all data obtained. For further assistance, please email us at or call 800-558-2162.