Five common myths about ANSI/SPRI/FM 4435/ES-1 can undermine its vital role in protecting commercial low-slope roofing from subsequent failure & costly loss. Understanding the truth of ANSI/SPRI/FM 4435/ES-1 is critical for proper implementation & verification of this essential standard.

A common misbelief, ANSI/SPRI/FM 4435/ES-1 is a not a certification endorsing a manufacturer, their shop, or their entire line of products; instead, it outlines the testing standard for pressure resistance of specific edge metal system details used on low-slope roofs. This test verifies pressures of a specific profile design, dimension, material, & installation. Be cautious of claims that deviate from tested designs or that are unrelated to specific details or profiles: variation to what was specifically tested or covered by the test could invalidate the result.
ANSI/SPRI/FM 4435/ES-1 is not a blanket approval ensuring compliance everywhere in the United States. Verification of the required pressures should be completed by a registered design professional or designer of record of the low slope system & encompass the codes required in the jurisdiction where the system will be installed. The test standard has made it easier for designers & installers to find compliant edge systems through actual data, testing, & listings.

Some falsely believe that ANSI/SPRI/FM 4435/ES-1 is irrelevant because of geography. While the pressures required throughout the U.S. vary by location, building occupancy, & other factors, all versions of the International Building Code since 2003 have included the ANSI/SPRI/FM 4435/ES-1 test standard. Not using an ANSI/SPRI/FM 4435/ES-1 tested edge metal system when required in code can place compliance at risk in every U.S. state.

ANSI/SPRI/FM 4435/ES-1 testing does not equate to a Factory Mutual Approval listing, which is achieved in a different manner. To achieve FM Approval, a roof edge product must be tested to the standard by Factory Mutual in their lab (with annual auditing) & be listed in RoofNav if it is to be utilized for compliance with specifications requiring Factory Mutual listed roof edge systems.
ANSI/SPRI/FM 4435/ES-1 testing ensures the roof edge system, shown to be roughly 60% of the reason roof systems fail in high wind events, can achieve a minimum tested pressure. While this does not eliminate all risk, it is a crucial step in providing designers, owners, & installers the ability to verify that they have met or surpassed a minimum testing hurdle on this critical component.
To learn more about ANSI/SPRI/FM 4435/ES-1, request your in-person or virtual session of “Perimeter Edge Metal Wind Design Seminar: Understanding ANSI/SPRI/FM 4435/ES-1,” our continuing education seminar covering everything you need to know about the testing standard.